Tumble Bobs (2 - 3 years)

Tumble Bobs is a structured class where your child will further develop their strength, balance and co-ordination skills.  With your help and encouragement and guided by our fully trained coaches, your child will soon grow in confidence and build those all-important social skills as they work in groups with other children. 

The sessions cover the contents of the British Gymnastics Awards, and our aim is for every child is to receive badges and certificates to recognise their efforts and achievement and encourage them to progress further within the Pre-School Programme. 


The class is divided into 3 sections:

1. Warm-Up:  A group activity where they will continue to build on their basic gymnastic skills and learn new skills. 

2. Circuits:  Children will be split into groups and work with the coaches to formally learn skills such as rolling, jumping, balancing, swinging and landing safely.  These circuits will be rotated every 3 weeks to keep them fully engaged and wanting to come back each week.

3. Cooldown:  Time to enjoy a cooldown to music (although it’s not always a calm activity!) and finish with our gymnastic shapes routine. 



Monday         10.20 - 11.00am

Tuesday         10.20 - 11.00am

Wednesday   10.20 - 11.00am

Friday            10.20 - 11.00am


All classes are at Southampton Gymnastics Club (Same site as Redbridge Community School), Cuckmere Lane, Southampton, SO16 9AR.


How to register for a class?

If you would like to register for a Tumble Bobs class (some classes have waiting lists), please click here, to complete an online registration form. Once a space is available, you will receive an email to invite your child to a taster session. All information will be included on the email.


If you would like to find out more information before registering, please contact us via email (admin@sotongym.co.uk) or phone (02380 529952).

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